Cavities usually starts in fissures on the surface of the incising dental crowns and enamel surface below contact of the adjacent teeth. In the early stage caries is easily reconstructed with restorative procedures involving cleaning carious content, adhesion process and restoration.
The resulting defects are recoverable with restorative materials that possess superior aesthetic properties with a maximum possibility of playing characteristics of natural teeth in terms of anatomy and tooth color. In addition to the aesthetic and physical-chemical properties these materials are also biocompatible.
If the caries is not treated on time, quickly progressing into the depths and threatens the dental pulp. All these factors can lead to irreversible damage and death of the pulp (nerve).
To preserve a tooth in such cases it is necessary to carry out endodontic treatment. It is a microsurgical procedure that removes the damaged pulp tissue and treated endodontic space is fulfilled with appropriate remedy for filling root canals. High quality endodontic procedure is the most important requirement for a successful post-endodontic reconstruction of a tooth.
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
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